Khaen Koshi E03
Mehdi takes a temporary leave from prison and visits Eddie to plan his escape plan. Shahrukh learns that the money is kept in Qasim Kuri’s gambling house and…
Writer and director: Masoud Kimiaei
Genre: Drama, Crime
Danlod Va Pakhshe Online
Kimiyai is so dependent on the people and their reaction that maybe at this age he will breathe the hot breath of the people and once again rise from the ashes of eighty-two years as a phoenix to become the envy of cinema.
Make-up artist: Mohsen Darsanj Set designer: Sohail Danesh-eshraghi Costume designer: Maral Jirani Editor: Sepideh Abdul Wahab
Sound engineer: Ishaq Khanzadi, sound engineer: Amirhossein Qasmi, music: Satar Orki, field effects: Arash Aghabeyg