Shabake Makhfii Zanan E24
Ethel Motel is good for boys or girls? Modbar is looking for a suitor for Delbar Jan, but no one is Mirza…
Authors: Mohammad Rahmanian, Mohsen Qaraei
Director: Afshin Hashemi
Danlod Va Tamasha Online
Director of cinematography: Alireza Zarindast Composer: William Neary Editor: Mehyar Bahmanesh Makeup: Mahmoud Dehghani Set designer: Majid Lilaji Costume designer: Azar Najibi
In the summary of this series, it is stated that the Ministry of Culture and Arts decided to form a women’s association in 1310 to compete with similar organizations and then eliminate them.
Mirza Mahmoud Zanburakchi, a high-ranking employee of the Civil Registry Department, is invited to take responsibility for the selection of members and then the activities of the center, along with Delbarjan Tajerbashi.