Ahou Film

Ahou Film

It is the story of the self-inflicted isolation of a girl who sees her dreams gone, but has not lost her hope yet…

Producer: Javad Norouzbeigi – Genre: Drama, romance

Director and writer: Hoshang Golmakani

Danlod Va Tamasha Online

Hoshang Golmakani is one of the three riflemen who published the movie monthly magazine since the first years of the revolution together with Abbas Yari and Zindayad Masoud Mehrabi.

After the death of his long-time friend and old friend, Masoud Mehrabi, the editor of the film magazine went to the monthly magazine “Film Amrooz” and is still actively publishing a magazine for cinema lovers.

Sepideh Arman, the author of this film and the main actress of Aho, also has a press background and worked as a reporter in the field of cinema for many years, and in her first professional experience in fiction cinema, she collaborated with Hoshang Golmakani.

The film was shot in the north of the country, and Golmakani, who is originally from Gorgan, decided to shoot his first film in this part of the country due to his love for his motherland.

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