Amme Pasaand Film
The story is about a middle-aged woman who, after years of effort and hard work for a life, discovers her husband’s betrayal and decides to change her lifestyle by returning to her hometown, but she falls in love with a young boy in her town and ….
Producer: Sohail Biraghi – Genre: Social
Director and writer: Sohail Biraghi
Danlod Va Tamasha Online
It is unlikely that you will watch the film, whether you like it or not, and not be impressed by its performances, especially Fateme Motamedarya, who has a more inner game compared to her last few films;
A woman who is unintentionally stuck in a humiliating situation and wants to wail every moment because of hatred and sadness, but she keeps her smile and admits to herself that she is strong enough to survive in such a situation.
It is not so easy to cover the signs of fracture in the face without Botox injections, just like our society today, which needs more than Botox to cover the signs of fracture and rupture in itself.
A failed woman who seeks to escape from her previous ruined life, seeks a new path, but still fails to find a way to salvation.