Shabhaaye Mafiia Zodiyaak S2 E10 – Finale 1

Shabhaaye Mafiia Zodiyaak S2 E10 – Finale 1

Attention to visual graphics and the use of different urban elements have turned Mafia Nights of the Zodiac into an attractive home show. Players enter the match with full knowledge and we rarely see executive and cognitive mistakes in the match. What happens in other competitions called reality and shows the underestimation of the audience does not happen in Mafia Zodiac Nights.

Authors: Saeed Nafisi and Sina Qalich Khani

Performed by: Mohammad Bahrani

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The new series of Mafia Nights is produced with a new team; In this season, an attempt has been made to invite popular cultural, artistic and sports figures who are more familiar with the mafia game, so that more professional games can be played and the audience of the program can follow this reality show with more satisfaction.

Actors of this group: Farzad Hasani, Behnam Tashkar, Javad Khayabani, Mojtabi Shafiei, Omid Hajili, Alireza Talischi, Mehsa Tahmasabi, Shahram Qaidi, Bahar Ghasemi, Mona Karmi, Amir Hossein Hashemi and Shida Yousefi.

Regardless of the fact that the Mafia Nights game is a collective game that is supposed to be played in cafes and family parties, in the new competition we see that the decor of the program and the use of Italian terms and characters and closer to the atmosphere of the city of Sicily in Italy are an abstract and believable concept. It has become for the audience, which shows that the Zodiac Mafia Nights competition pays special attention to form as well as content

It is worth mentioning that for recording new episodes of Mafia Nights, a special and safe decor has been designed, which helps to improve the quality of the game and remove doubts

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